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Summary: Talks about Fisher-Bendix, industrial relations, AD came up with idea of the fish, sold over the world for £2 minimum and profits to Fisher-Bendix fighting fund. Talks of strikes, unions, marches, Tree of Life, Lock In, Police, Red Tree. Duration: c.35 mins.
Summary: First met AD at Fisher-Bendix strike, AD made fish, got into debt, helped make him an apartment at Seel Street, tour of studio, AD made Madonnas, suffered depression, exhibition at Windsor Castle, other sculptures, Stations of the Cross, religion, communism, army service and sculpture of Montgomery. Talks of AD working ar Dunlops, getting married, drinking, being interviewed by Liverpool Echo, poetry reading, television appearances, This Is Your Life, AD's Grandfather. Duration: c.98 mins.
Summary: Talks about first meeting AD at Communist meeting when they were bouncers, worked with him in Duke Street studio, talks of early career, army life, AD met wife, opening of Catholic Cathedral, AD bought Black Horse pub to exhibit, AD's marriage breakup, religion, This Is Your Life show, AD as a monk, working at Seel Street, Capital of Culture, Sitting Bull's grandson visiting Liverpool. He worked in Majorca. Talks of Dooley's army service, Catholicism, fight between AD and Arthur Ballard. BB talks of prison escape. Duration: c.70 mins.
Summary: Talks about her sister and a Moses statue she saw in AD's basement studio. Remembers AD. He gave her a painting she admired. Duration: c.3 mins.
Summary: Is an academic, talks of the importance of AD, international fame, decline of Liverpool, religion and impact on AD. Conflict with establishment, socialism, Oldham Gallery, recent renewal in interest in AD's work, merit of his sculptures. Duration: c.18 mins.
Summary: Talks of becoming a Priest. Met AD via another Priest. AD Catholic and communist. Talks of the stations of the Cross created by AD at Leyland. Remembers Fire at AD's studio, his depression, his other religious sculptures, AD's family. Duration: c.23 mins.
Summary: Talks about meeting AD in the Blue Angel, AD's army service, his jobs including working at Dunlops and on docks, speakers platform and politics, retreat in Ireland, sculptures, AD's wife and son, Grandad who was model for the Stations of the Cross. Duration: c.22 mins.
Summary: Talks about Fisher-Bendix factory, meeting AD, fish sculptures, dispute, television, religion, Margaret Thatcher and impact on Kirkby, miners strike, politics, Pirelli, Dunlops, civil disobedience, Capital of Culture and various sculptures by AD. Duration: c.76 mins.
Summary: Member of Princes Park Congregation. Was at unveiling of Black Christ sculpture. Talks of her impression of it and the meaning in a multicultural society. Met AD on the unveiling . Duration: c.10 mins.
Summary: AD gave her a crucifix, says he went into photography. Talks of his personality, dress, the basement club, Liverpool scene. AD moved to Woolton and worked in wrought iron. Talks of relationships, politics, fighting, generosity. Duration: 40 mins 10 secs.
Summary: Is an architect. Met AD after campaigning against Liverpool Council's slum clearance programme. Helped design Tatlin's platform with AD. Describes process and design. Built on Pier Head at Speakers Corner. Award winning but later dismantled by City Council.
Summary: Talks about meeting AD in the mid-1970s, her studies, the Worker Artist Movement, sculpture of Face of Christ made for her, other sculptures, AD giving money to laid off Ford workers at factory gate, his pub, studio and house, Paul Dooley and Adrian Henri. Duration: c.25 mins.
Summary: Talking about his first impression of the Dachau Christ, first saw it as an 8 year old in Oldham Library and Art Gallery. Talks of other artists, Rothko, effect of art, different exhibitions.
Summray: Is an architect. Married Ann McTavish who was friends with AD. Talks of last project with AD. Golgotha. Talks of Albert Dock. Relates tales of AD re tax, army service, gifts to Ann, AD's character, helping her set up exhibition at Athenaeum, redemption piece. Duration: c.27 mins.
Summary: Talks of how she met AD, helped organise private viewing of their gallery and carried on running it. Describes AD's kindness and generosity, giving things away and appearance. Talks of his memorial and his wake. Saw face of Christ in the body of one of his Madonnas. Duration: c.32 mins.
Summary: Talks about wanting to own an AD sculpture, admired his beliefs and work. Own sculpture Madonna and Child, although Atheists. Duration: c. 5 mins.
Summary: Talks about having a memorial sculpture of Beatles and suggested AD start debate in Liverpool Echo. Holds benefit at Roy Adam's club on Mathew Street, raised £1700 and commissioned Four Lads sculpture. Duration: c.4 mins.
Summary: Talks of Trevor Skempton, School of Architecture, public meetings re Liverpool ring road involving AD. Introduced to AD by Francesca Van De Meer, Father met AD, borrowed sculptures for exhibitions, talks of Catholicism, communism, different sculptures. Duration: 30 mins 24 secs.